Historical Museum of Serbia

The Historical Museum of Serbia invites you to visit the "Museums for 10" event from May 14 to 20, under the title "The Power of Museums". The event, the eighth in a row, is a national museum initiative being held under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia, and coordinated by the National Committee of ICOM Serbia.

Over the seven days of the free programmes, and marking the International Museum Day, the European Museum Night and the National Museum Week, 122 participants will offer a variety of contents to the public in more than 60 cities and towns in Serbia. The Historical Museum of Serbia offers free entrance to its exhibitions displayed at Trg Nikole Pašića 11 and in the Residence of Prince Miloš in Topčider.

Additional information on the contents of the "Museums for 10" can be found on the Museum’s website: www.muzejisrbije.rs.