The Fund of Jovan Ilkić, one of the most talented and prolific Serbian architects of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, was formed in the period between 1985 and 1997 from the objects donated by or purchased from the successors of the Ilkić family. With the last acquisition in 2011, the fund numbers some 1,357 objects that had belonged to Jovan Ilkić and his wife Paula, their daughters Elizabeth, Angelina and Jovanka, and sons Pavle and Djura. They all bear witness to the time in which they lived, their status in society, their rich private and public lives and their participation in important events of the time.
Photo-album оf the family Ilkić
The diversity of the objects makes this fund very significant: personal belongings (candy-box, hot-water-bottle, travel-bag, glasses); documents (tax cards, birth and death certificates, diplomas, charters, business cards, postcards, greeting cards, travel documents, membership cards, church pocket-calendars, promotion decrees); photos (of individuals and the family, of friends, and three photo-albums) and books with inscriptions. The objects are related to all aspects of the life and work of the Ilkić family, which can be almost completely reconstructed. The rich family and private correspondence indicates the exceptional closeness, affection and warmth of the family.
Photo-album оf the family Ilkić